Digital Ambassador
Bernd Heun, Hans Joachim Herweck, Wolfgang Wischermann and Christa Graf are digital ambassadors in our community. They accompany older people into the digital world and pick up those who are still completely offline and have great fear of contact. Without the appropriate experience spaces, it becomes difficult in old age to keep up with the rapid technical developments.
But with the help of digital ambassadors, suitable offerings are emerging that address the special needs and challenges of old age and encourage people to accept, critically question, and master digital challenges.
Find out about other offers from our digital ambassadors at or in the DorfFunk app

The digital office of the municipality of Göllheim holds regular consultation hours with the digital ambassadors. Find out more here:
Do you have questions or problems with your cell phone, computer, etc.? Do you need help with an online registration or would you like to create an email account?
Then simply drop by and see us! We will help you!