Since 1996 there has been a partnership between the municipality of Göllheim and the Polish town of Kozienice (Masovian Voivodeship), which is located about 100 km south of Warsaw.

Partnership meeting:
From October 1 to 4, 2016, a delegation of the partner municipality Kozienice, Poland, visited the municipality of Göllheim. The occasion was the 20th anniversary of the partnership. The friends from Marano Equo were also guests in Göllheim during this weekend. In addition to various excursions in the region and exchanges of the guests with the Göllheim groups and institutions, the official ceremony for the anniversary took place on October 3 in the Bürgertreff Weitersweiler, which was also attended by the partner communities of Weitersweiler and Rüssingen, the French communities Weiterswiller and Russange. Young musicians of the Kreismusikschule Donnersbergkreis framed the successful ceremony with perfectly performed musical contributions, including Chopin's Etude Op.10/No. 3. In his speech, Mayor Steffen Antweiler referred to the 20-year relationship between the municipality of Göllheim and the town of Kozienice. The partnership and friendship of the two communities should help to cope with the common history and to counteract the division of Europe into a western and an eastern part. Through the cultivation of human and cultural contacts and through consultation and exchange of information, the common development is to be shaped and a contribution is to be made to securing a peaceful future in a united Europe. It is our duty to make our children and our children's children aware of the fact that it requires the constant efforts of all to live and maintain the house of Europe, the united Europe. The main pillar of the partnership is the annual exchange of students between the Gutenberg School in Göllheim and the High School No. 1 in Kozienice, as well as the connection of the fire departments. Mayor Tomasz Smietanka, Kozienice, also referred in his speech to the common goal of helping to overcome the common history through partnership and friendship and to contribute to securing a peaceful future in Europe in order to overcome the division of Europe into an eastern and a western half. Greetings were delivered by the District Administrators of the Donnersberg District and the Kozienice District, as well as the mayors of the French and Italian twin towns and their German hosts. Special thanks were given to the founders and companions of the partnership in the last 20 years, Hans Appel and Klaus-Dieter Magsig, on the German side, and Henryk Madejski, Tomasz Smietanka and Andrzej Zielinski on the Polish side.